With more than 11,000 stargazers on GitHub, ArangoDB is the leading. yes In-memory storage engine introduced with MongoDB version 3.2 User concepts Access control yes Access rights for users and roles More information provided by the system vendor ArangoDB MongoDB Specific characteristics Graph and Beyond. Immediate Consistency can be individually decided for each write operation Foreign keys Referential integrity yes relationships in graphs no typically not used, however similar functionality with DBRef possible Transaction concepts Support to ensure data integrity after non-atomic manipulations of data ACID Multi-document ACID Transactions with snapshot isolation Concurrency Support for concurrent manipulation of data yes yes Durability Support for making data persistent yes yes optional, enabled by default In-memory capabilities Is there an option to define some or all structures to be held in-memory only. OneShard (highly available, fault-tolerant deployment mode with ACID semantics) Eventual Consistency Source-replica replication MapReduce Offers an API for user-defined Map/Reduce methods no can be done with stored procedures in JavaScript yes Consistency concepts Methods to ensure consistency in a distributed system Eventual Consistency configurable per collection or per write Replication methods Methods for redundantly storing data on multiple nodes Source-replica replication with configurable replication factor Multi-Source deployments with MongoDB Atlas Global Clusters Live resharding allows users to change their shard keys as an online operation with zero downtime. Swift Server-side scripts Stored procedures JavaScript JavaScript Triggers no yes in MongoDB Atlas only Partitioning methods Methods for storing different data on different nodes Sharding since version 2.0 Sharding Partitioned by hashed, ranged, or zoned sharding keys. VelocyPack/VelocyStream proprietary protocol using JSON Supported programming languages C# Typing predefined data types such as float or date yes string, double, boolean, list, hash yes string, integer, double, decimal, boolean, date, object_id, geospatial Secondary indexes yes yes SQL Support of SQL no Read-only SQL queries via the MongoDB Connector for BI APIs and other access methods AQL Optionally impose all or part of a schema by defining a JSON schema. Windows Data scheme schema-free automatically recognizes schema within a collection schema-free Although schema-free, documents of the same collection often follow the same structure. Implementation language C++ C++ Server operating systems Linux

MongoDB System Properties Comparison ArangoDB vs.